MsHelaineous Wedding Photos


Helaine Harris' son was married on June 25, 2000

Wedding of Helaine Kinstler and David Brenner

June 25, 2000


Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Yancy were married on July 30, 2000

Hi everyone...!'s official...!  Gerry and I got married on Sunday and the wedding was wonderful. The Rabbis (yes two) were soooo great and my best friend Cookie came up from Miami to be my only attendant...Gerry's best man was one of the other guys who converted with him last May ... A wonderful guy...!  My two daughters--Kim & Randi and my two little grandsons--Tyler & Zachary came too...the boys were co-ring bearers...My mom came up from Century Village in Pembroke Pines, FL too...the reception was wonderful...OY I have so much food here...!  (You know how Jewish weddings are...) anyway, here is the first picture of the wedding...More to follow...
Love to all Helaines from Helaine Yancey  YYY




Helaine and Gerry on their honeymoon


Helaine Cummins (that's me) son was married on July 30, 2000

Me, Geoffrey, Lenny and our daughter, Sandi
just before the wedding

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Cummins!

Tera        and          Geoffrey

Geoffrey and Tera on their honeymoon

If you'd like to see more pictures of my baby's wedding, go to:




I don't want to be pushy, but I'm so proud of them
 of myself for being able to make these web pages!