Westwood Charter Elementary



Philosophy/Mission Statement

The Warner School Community sets high expectations to maximize the achievement of all students and provide intellectual stimulation that results in self-motivated, lifelong learners.  Students are challenged to develop self discipline, become responsible citizens, and show respect for diversity.  Through fundraising and volunteering, a supportive and involved parent community helps implement and maintain a variety of school programs.


The Warner Mascot is Warner Wildcat.  See him at the top of the page and throughout our web page.

Cluster/Associated Middle School and High School

After culminating from Warner students may attend Emerson Middle School and the high school in the area.

Bilingual Program

At each grade level, there is an English Language Development program.  Students are immersed in English vocabulary in order to provide maximum academic support.


Starting in 1998, Warner began participating in the District’s Class Size Reduction Program for Grades K, 1, 2 & 3.  All the Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade classes have 20 or fewer students.  We are very enthusiastic about having this opportunity available to us.  Much effort and thought has gone into making classroom assignments at all grade levels, as we consider the academic, language, social, and emotional needs of the child.  In addition, there are many guidelines that must be followed, such as size, gender balance, students with special needs, and academic ability levels.  Thank you for your support and understanding in this matter.

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