Visit with Dr. Howie & Vicki

Saturday, August 9, 2003

Page 4

Vicki with son, Rich


Master Chef Howard

Howie's wonderful BBQ'd Tri Tip!

Howie and Vicki made us a wonderful meal.  Along with the BBQ'd tri tip steaks we had wonderful "munchies", a beautiful salad and, would you believe, watermelon salad!  It was GREAT and made up by Vicki!

We were so stuffed that we just lounged around talking.  We had FUN . . . especially Mavis!!!







Howie and Vicki, 

It was great seeing you AND meeting Rich!  Thank you so much for the great meals and your wonderful hospitality.  We wish you could make it to LA one day soon, but we won't wait until then to see you.  We'll (Sandi too) be up soon with the family movies and to get copies of yours.  And see if we can delve into our family tree a bit more.

Thanks so much for EVERYTHING!

Love, Lenny, Helaine and Sandi

Pacific Grove Shoreline - Page 1
Hangin' with Gretta - Page 2
Visit with Shep and Ruth - Page 3
Visit with Dr. Howie & Vicki - Page 4
Lunch with David and Mommy - Page 5