First Pictures - Our Trip
Issaquah, WA
(Click to learn about Issaquah)
Geoffrey and Tera's New Home

Page 1 - February 16, 2001

Geoffrey and Tera's apartment view
the morning after "our snowy night"
(Click here to read about it!)

See top of Tera's car right in the middle of the picture

View from the outside hallway

Lenny, Geoffrey and Tera went to get Geoffrey's car the morning after we left it stuck in the snow.  It took them around 15 minutes to get it out of the spot you see in the picture . . . and that's after a lot of snow melted from the rain!


Close up of last photo

Geoffrey brought me back a genuine snowball!!!
(It was better before I let it sit there melting.)

Tera's already been decorating their new place,
AND it looks great!
(Tera took that photo in Copenhagen.)

Their "good luck" going away gift

More  pictures from their outside hallway.  Brrrrrr, was it cold!


I kind of like this picture . . . looks kind of dreamy . . .





All the snow is falling off the trees . . . . :-(


Nah, not a lush . . . it's sparkling apple cider.

The livingroom with old couches . . . new covers

Looking from livingroom towards kitchen and entry hall.

Check out Tera's new posters in the kitchen!

I LOVE using that timer!

Sam comes to visit here, there and everywhere . . .

What a cutie!

Well, the rain on the windshield  . . . gives it . . . a look . . .

The rain was melting all the snow, but it was still beautiful!

XXX Root Beer is where we had lunch, about 3 minutes from their place.

Walkin' in a winter wonderland!

David, I took photographed these radios for you!

Jackie, took the Coke photos for you!

I took the Beatles' photos for . . . . ME!!!


Geoffrey was the only one to get a rootbeer float in this rootbeer place!

No, I didn't stick to my diet on this vacation . . . .


The Boehm's Chocolate store!   Yummmmm!!!

There were cool snowmen all over the place!



Click to see Issaquah,  Friday,  February 16 - Page 1
Click to see Issaquah, Saturday, February 17- Page 2
Click to see Issaquah,  Sunday,  February 18 - Page 3
Click to see Issaquah,  Monday, February 19 - Page 4

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