A Visit with Good Old Friends!

July 26-30, 2002


Page 24

Saturday, July 27

This is what the kids in La Porte do for excitement!


We did a lot of good eatin' with our friends!
(Taken with the digital timer.)

This horse is only ONE week old - the youngest horse I've ever seen!
Click this picture to see more photos of this cutie.

They didn't buy this horse, but she was sure a beauty!

Sunday, July 28

We're eating all-you-can-eat Chinese this time - Yummm!!!
(Check out our little model in the middle!)

We stopped at an auction, but didn't buy anything.

It was cool seeing how they do it.

Old barn with modern doors


Ye olde school house

MY drink - yummmm  (hic)

Dinner by the lake

Monday, July 29

Clean that stall!

Keep sweeping!

One of the sweetest little kitties

Their new horse arrives

Kalingala, is an American Paint
(Click to read about the breed)

Doing the paperwork


Love that PINK!!!

The deed is done!


The horse is only 1 1/2 years old.  She's never been away from home before.

She was just a bit nervous


This horse had no idea
how groomed and clean she'd be!



Soooooo sweeeet!!!


It poured when she arrived


Getting to know each other




Neither are done growing


Wish I could be that comfortable


Ahhh . . . .makes total sense to me . . .

You can't see from the picture just how HUGE this horse is!!!

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Page  23 - July 26-30           - THE SILLS HOUSE
Page  24 - July 27-29           - BUYING A HORSE
                                            - Baby Horse
Page  25 - Tuesday, July 30  - OUR LAST DAY
Page  26 - Tuesday, July 30  - PICTURES ON THE PORCH