A Visit with Good Old Friends!

July 26-30, 2002


Page 26

Tuesday, July 30

I wanted pictures of everyone on the front porch before we left.

And I got 'em, even Phoebe!

Such a cool old house!


Such good old friends (and some new ones too)!


See ME in both pictures!


OK, let's do some posing



OK, now look almost "sullen".

How did your picture come out?  Email it to me!



I think this is a great place for a photo!

OK Boy, look COOL!



Check it out, I go well with this OLD house!

Across the street

Kitty corner on Indiana


TWO COOL DUDES!!!  (Oh, and a chick behind)

Hey, did anyone tell you to smile?

Their old mail box

Job hunting clothes?

Good luck!

Get ready for more sweeping!

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Page  23 - July 26-30           - THE SILLS HOUSE
Page  24 - July 27-29           - BUYING A HORSE
                                            - Baby Horse
Page  25 - Tuesday, July 30  - OUR LAST DAY
Page  26 - Tuesday, July 30  - PICTURES ON THE PORCH