Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Page 5

Today we're headed up to the Olympia Game Farm
located on the Olympic Penensula


Geoffrey telling where we are and where we're going

A closer look



See the mountain range in the background?

Walking around the boat




Click here to see the ferry boat pulling out

Another ferryboat

Birdie doodoo

These boats are pretty big!

Tera, Geoffrey and Lenny

Tera and Lenny in the "passenger assembly station"

Me and Tera windblown and freezing


Off the boat and driving through the small town Port Gamble


Weird bridge


Finally at the Olympia Game Farm

Click here to see MY pictures of us at the Game Farm

Geoffrey's car after our tour through the park!


After the Game Park we really had to rush to get to the ferry to get Lenny to the airport on time for his flight home!  We made the right ferryboat!


Seattle:  See the Space Needle on the left and the stadium on the right.

Geoffrey and Seattle

Geoffrey, smiling for a change!

Geoffrey and Lenny freezing out there!

But not Tera.  She's sitting inside where it's warm.

Geoffrey taking Lenny's picture

I'm inside where it's warm!


After we dropped Lenny off at the airport, we went to dinner with Kim.

We ate at this really pretty restaurant which looked like a jungle inside

Kim, Tera, Geoffrey

Kim, Tera, Geoffrey and Me

In the bathroom

Geoffrey, Kim and Tera

My dessert

Click to see more aquarium pictures I took in the restaurant.

Pay the bill or else!

Tuesday was a long, but very fun day!

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