Thursday, March 28, 2002

Page 7


Tera was at work so Geoffrey took me exploring.
We took a ferry to Vashon Island to see a baby Killer Whale.  We didn't see him, but we saw a great little town, had a good breakfast and found a really cute little lighthouse, Point Robinson Lighthouse!



In line for the ferryboat


This small tug was pulling this huge barge!



Click here to see LOTS more shots of this lighthouse!

Me and the Point Robinson Lighthouse



Geoffrey taking a close-up of the barnacles

That's my boy!

Two cool old houses, the original keepers'
dwellings, just down from the lighthouse
(Click to read about them and the lighthouse)

Leaving the lighthouse area


Geoffrey was really good about stopping to let me take pictures when I saw something I thought might be good.  Thank you, Geoffrey!

Doesn't this look just like Keith's place?


Hey, this can be our summer get-away place!

A fern is growing right out of the roof!



We were watching these guys take huge "poles" from the water.
(I'm sure there is a better name, but I don't know it at the moment.)



Geoffrey and I were on the "Issaquah"!

That's Geoffrey up there!  I stayed in the car this trip.


They painted the Space Needle orange

Geoffrey took me to IMAX
and a QUICK tour
of the
Pacific Science Center

Did ya ever see so many Killer Whales swimming around?  :-)

Click for more Dinosaurs Shots

Click to see my REAL butterfly shots!


One HUGE praying mantis!


Geoffrey with one of those 
electric glass globes.


A hologram


Geoffrey standing crooked

Geoffrey standing crooked


Geoffrey standing crooked

I believe this is DNA projected onto the floor


Model of DNA

DNA sculpture


Geoffrey sitting in a simulator

I think this was a copier


An RCA display


RCA dog spot

Little Geoffrey at a big people's table

Tall SKINNY Helaine!

Geoffrey and I were actually upside down in this mirror




Inside a woman

We didn't really have time to go in, but we walked inside to see what Seattle's Experience Music Project (EMP) was like.  I must say it was pretty cool!

The Rock and Roll Museum/Space Needle

Geoffrey and reflections

Reflections of Geoffrey and Me

Colors inside the museum

Geoffrey awashed in colors

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